CV/Resumé review service

Unsure whether your CV is the best representation of your skills and experience?

Struggling to secure interviews?

Do you want an Unbiased, experienced opinion of your current CV/resumé?

I’ve been working in recruitment for 30 years and have seen 1000s of CVs and resumés in that time. I’ve worked with countless hiring managers in companies of all sizes from 1-person start-ups to global enterprises. I know how CVs are read and what factors influence whether you get invited for interview or not. The current tech recruitment market is highly competitive, with many more candidates applying to each vacancy. I can help you present your skills and experience in the best possible light to maximise your chances of securing that interview.

A great CV will open many more doors for you.


£120 £80

January Sale price valid until end JAN’25

  • Detailed CV review

  • 60 min feedback video call

My comprehensive CV review service involves:

  • In depth analysis of your CV

  • Detailed feedback session (60mins) over Googlemeet, offering my suggestions regarding where you can make improvements, pitfalls to avoid, and arming you with the knowledge to produce a great CV.


How to book:

Use the box below to choose the time and date of your feedback session. (You can ignore the ‘Sign up’ and ‘Login’ links) Once you’ve chosen your slot, complete the subsequent short form, upload your CV/resumé and then make payment. I look forward to being able to help you.